CoinSwap OTC //
Why purchase Crypto Currency using CoinSwap?
COINSWAP Preferred is our Over-the-counter (OTC) private and secure trading desk. We offer deeper liquidity and a private, more personalized service to new investors, businesses, and high net-worth individuals needing to fill small orders as well as large orders that might be too disruptive if placed on open markets at the exchanges. Whether you are trading blocks of $10,000, $100,000, or 100 Bitcoin, our OTC desk will provide you with execution and settlement services that are discreet, secure, and ultra-competitive.
CoinSwap is registered and compliant with federal and applicable state laws. Transactions follow strict security protocol with advanced monitoring and tracking.
CoinSwap provides a secure and personalized Private Client Desk experience with dedicated trade and transaction experts.
CoinSwap transactions are conducted on an expedited processing platform to lower volatility risk and offer a same-day settlement.
Instantly buy or sell cryptocurrencies with full disclosure of transaction fees, details, and conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to register with COINSWAP to use the trading desk service?
You need to complete the “Onboarding” verification process to receive the exchange agreement and transfer information. Click “Get Started “ to verify your account now.
What type of BITCOIN wallet do I need?
There are two types of cryptocurrency wallets: custodial wallets and non-custodial wallets. Hardware wallets ( non-custodial ) are offline or so-called “cold” wallets and are the most secure crypto wallets because they store your private keys on a hardware device. The device looks like a USB drive; the best example is Trezor Model T.
What are the fees when buying or selling through the COINSWAP Trading Desk?
Based on your transaction amount, fees can be as low as 1%, and fees are higher for smaller transactions.
COINSWAP does not charge a spread or any additional fees.
Why does it seem like I received more or fewer funds than were sent to me in the transaction confirmation step?
Most likely, the USD value in your wallet shows a difference in value based on the Bitcoin market fluctuation in price from when we executed your order and when you received the funds in your wallet. However, the BTC amount is still the same as sent in the transaction confirmation step.
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